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18 Ideals in 20 minutes


doing this helped me to try and come up with ideas for my 2d final piece, and this was helpful as i could explore ideas instead of just going straight into a final piece that had no planning at all.


planet designs 

in this piece I practiced painting planet designs and used a variety of different colours in the hope of painting a planet on my final piece.


The great leonopteryx 'last shadow'

this is my first attempt at drawing the great leonopteryx before drawing it onto my final piece. I wasn't so happy with this drawing but after a couple attempts i finally was happy with how it was turning out.


creature designs 

This drawing is a creature/ insect I designed to live in Pandora or a unearthly planet. this is a ant with horns that sting to protect them and they have wings to allow them to fly above to stay safe. this type of ant is designed in a way to allow them to swim underwater as well. they will have a special layer over their eyes to keep things clear while underwater and the wings are made of a leather skin like material to allow water to slip right off.


this is another creature i designed, it is a lizard that can fly throughout the trees to find small insects to prey upon and they also have tails that allow them to swim under the water so they can find small fish to eat. these creatures will be able to change colours like chameleons so that they can blend in with their surroundings, this is important as they will only be 30 cm long with a wing span at 35cm wide, they would find it hard to hide without this power to blend in with surroundings.

designing my own creatures helped me towards the end and throughout my project as it allowed me to explore ideas about how animals on a fantasy planet would survive.


this butterfly is designed in a way that it can stay safe at night which is when it comes out, the butterfly will fly around at night with its glowing wings on the glowing plants.

creating my flower


this is some practice flowers I have created before making my avatar themes flower/plant. I have also done some sketches of these flowers as seen blow.

these are some of the things I used to create my 3d flower. copper wire; cement, glue gun and Italian crape paper.

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